Monday, February 23, 2009

Journal: What can I do to improve my essay writing?

Based on your common test essay, discuss with your group members how you can improve on your essay by exchanging your essay with the other members of the group. Then, write down your reflections on how you can improve yourself in the future. Dateline: 2 march 2009.


  1. you have to capture the readers attention.i think that vocabulary is very important in an composition,be it single words or helps to descrbe things more need to plot before writting.sentence structure is also very important in a need to end the composition properly, with the moral of the story and also what you have learnt.

  2. You have to get the reader's attention at the introduction of the essay, then you continue the essay with more interesting parts of the story. I think vocabulary and adjectival phrases are very important to an essay because the words are able to describe the character's feelings and the appearance of the character. There are also many more things that can improve an essay. One of them is a twist. Others are like suspence, irony and a very good ending. A good ending is as important as the introduction of an essay as the ending end the whole story that you have written and you will not score high grades if the ending is not good. One last thing that can improve an essay is your sentence structure. If your sentence structure is not good, readers will not be able to understand what you have written and this will lead to a poor espression to your essay and the way you speak.

    Liew Zi Xuan 1/2 (32) [Hilarious Happy People]

  3. There are some spelling mistake in my comment. One of them is the word 'suspence' which should be spelled as 'suspense'. Another one is the word 'espression' which should be spelled as 'expression'.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Liew Zi Xuan 1/2 (32) [Hilarious Happy People]

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In my essay, I found out that I had poor sentence structure and poor vocabulary. This is detrimental for my essay and if I don’t do well in this areas, I will never score good marks in my exam. Therefore, I feel that we could use more intriguing vocabulary and not to go for simple beginnings and endings. The sentence structure must also be good and not like the simple stories found in children’s storybooks. We must constantly be evolving our essays and not the same as those found in the primary. We must try our best to make the story special and not to repeat other ideas. I feel that essays should be special to each of us, and all the ways we use our words and phrases.

    Name:Zenneth Lim Zen Wei ( 40 )1/2 Incredible 4

  6. I could brush up my vocabulary like using phrases instead of a single vocab word.I also found that there are lots of grammar and sentence structure mistake.A good composition should have a good start and a unpredictable revolution.We should not make spelling mistakes too.I even spelt "stuff" as "staff".That makes a very big difference to my composition.Initially composition shoulb be a simple story that is unpredictable,perhaps with a twist.Yet,a spelling mistake could make the whole story change!I think we should read and check more than twice as when we reread it,maybe we could find different mistake and correct it in order to score better.

  7. I think that my comopsition is lacking vocabulary words and phrases.My composition also has a very lousy ending which cost me a lot of marks being deducted.I will make my composition better by adding more vocabulary words and phrases to help give my composition more suspense.I must also try to space out my time so that I will have a good amount of time to make a good ending or perhaps a twist in the ending.I wil also wnt to add a moral to the composition I have written.
    Teo Hui Yuh(18)Incredible 4

  8. i think that the reason of me not being able to score well on the common test is because the vocabulary words in my essay is lacking and i should try to use more of vocabulary phrases instead of words so as to attract the attention of the readers so that they will not lose interest in the essay.i will also try to use some time to plot the story so that i would not have to think while writing.i will also try to include a twist in my story as it is very plain and not interesting.i will be careful not to make any careless mistakes like using the wrong tense or missing out some words. i would want to improve my sentence structure so as to make it fluent. i will learn from my mistkes and do my best to scrore better for the next few tests.
    Sylvia Gwee Xiao Wei (FORCEFIELD)(17)

  9. I think i did not do well in my composition as my compo was lacking in vocabulary words.I also did not decribe the main charater and the box, hence resulting in the great lost of marks.The usage of vocabulary plays a big role in the sense of marks.For my next compositions i will take the time to draft out my story.
    Without any planning it is as bad as going by the flow...I will give my all for the next composition that i am going to write.

    Charmiane Khor (FORCEFIELD)(3)

  10. I can improve on my essay by looking for more phrases and words either from the dictionary or from the book with vocabulary exercise and try to use them correctly in my essay. I should also plan before I start to write my essay. I should also know what tense to use and should take note of my grammar mistake by checking my essay if I have enough time for grammar mistakes. I should also take note of my mistakes and try not to repeat the same mistake in future when I write my essay and to reduce careless mistakes.

  11. I think the reason i'm not scoring well is because of my grammar mistakes,and my character shows no development in the story.btw mr lam do you have microsoft office 2007 at home?

  12. Jing Xuan:
    I can improve by learning more good phrases, smilies and descriptive words and using them in my compositions. I will also take note of my grammar so that I will not lose unnecessary marks from grammar mistakes.
